Diagram Editor
Editor is a diagramming component designed to be integrated into Windows applications. It provides diagramming capabilities and a user experience that is consistent with our web and mobile products. It also produces and consumes the same diagram documents as our other products.
Editor has two key parts:
A specialized Windows application that provides diagramming capabilities managed by a host application.
An SDK that includes developer documentation and a .NET interface assembly that is used to integrate the Diagram Editor into the host application. This .NET assembly includes .NET classes and COM interfaces that are used to control the diagramming application.
The host application (typically a Records Management System) is responsible for the storage and retrieval of incident information, including diagrams created in the editor. This diagram illustrates the relationship between the host application and the diagramming application:

Editor is a natural replacement for the Easy Street Draw and ScenePD ActiveX controls.
The diagrams produced by the Editor are Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents. These diagrams can be displayed in any SVG-capable container and they can easily be converted to PNG or JPEG images.
Editor requires 64 or 32-bit Windows 8.1, 10, or 11.
The .NET interface assembly requires .NET Framework 4.8 or .NET Core version 3.1 or later.
The Web SDK is a diagramming component designed to be integrated into web-based solutions. It provides diagramming capabilities and a user experience that is consistent with our Windows and mobile products. It also produces and consumes the same diagram documents as our other products.
The Web SDK has two main components:
A JavaScript-based diagram editor that provides interactive drawing capabilities in modern browsers. The diagram editor has a JavaScript API that is designed to facilitate integration into host applications. It is currently supported in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
A server that provides the diagram editor with services for licensing, template delivery, and diagram conversion. The conversion service enables compatibility between the Web SDK and our Windows application as well as older versions of our Windows and ActiveX products. The Web SDK server must be hosted on a Windows operating system.
The diagram editor is used as part of the web-based application; typically a Records Management System. The host application is responsible for the storage and retrieval of incident information, including the diagrams created in the editor, as illustrated in this architecture diagram:

The diagrams produced by the Web SDK are Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents. The diagrams can be displayed in any SVG-capable container and they can easily be converted to PNG or JPEG images using the editor's API.
Easy Street Draw Options
If you’re interested in Trancite’s Easy Street Draw product, you’ll notice there are three different options for purchase – Desktop, Editor, and Web.
Think of the Trancite’s Desktop version like a Microsoft Office product – it is an app installed on your PC. You use our Desktop version to create diagram centric documents that can be saved as files, printed, or exported in other formats like images and PDFs. Integration with your RMS or Crash Reporting System can be limited and require you to manually upload the exported drawings into your system.
The Diagram Editor is used primarily with RMS applications that are installed on individual workstations. It is designed for integration into products that are developed .Net or COM. This means that your RMS provider is in control of how and when the diagram editing tool is viewed and used and it can be embedded into your RMS or Crash Reporting System workflow.
Web SDK looks like Editor, but it is never installed on an end-user’s laptop or workstation. This option is installed on the server that hosts the web-based RMS or Crash Reporting System. Web SDK is designed to be embedded in a browser-based application, like an RMS that is accessed via a web browser. With this option, you can also embed the diagramming process into your RMS or Crash Reporting System workflow.